@MAIR4YOU "Nothing"

Recently I’ve been operating out of @BRAATALLDAY (BraatStudios) located in the belly of the beast #Hollywood #CA. I’d like to introduce you to the first #artist on the label @MAIR4YOU

@CAPITAL_SIX #SummerJelly


 This tape jammin! *Points at PC screen!!*This here’ is what I calls #HipHop. Capital 6, A group of Six artist’s bringing together diverse styles putting it down for the #SOUTH coming out of #Tallahassee #Florida. I ain’t heard no lyrical shit jammin’ like this coming out of my state in a while! These guys are the @thepharcyde of the #south yo! Maybe better! We’ll see! Time will tell as we rock out into the future. Make sure your sound receiving devices are up to par, roll you up one, hit the bong, press the play button and let that ride.

#Capital6 @followyaboydon @RobStayRamen @Intricate93Omega @omegacrim@XCIVPyramids