I actually liked the ShaqFu! I had it on #SegaGenisis THAT’S MY SHIT!!!
Useful Shit! #Futuristic
They need these ASAP
#Playstation 4
Why you should get the iPhone 5…
We moving into tha future BABY CHEA!!!!
This isn’t the first electric long board but its the lightest weighing in at only 12 pounds. It has a 100W/h Lithium polymer battery pack and regenerative braking and drive-train bits. It goes up to 20mph and you can even take this thing uphill! That’s Straight!!
So I got a Upgrade from the blackberry yesterday at the sprint store. I had the Iphone 4 when it came out also and its basically the same phone just faster and the Siri can understand you a little better or maybe Siri can’t understand me.. Anyways I put it on craigslist this morning for a stack ($1000), just recently I got a call from somebody that sounded like a depressed white guy. He was like I only got 250 and a bunch of stuff that I can trade me *holds phone in the air away from mouth and chuckles* So I was like what you got?? He told me in a voice that sounded as if he begging for food that he had a couple of Evos and some other shit…The thing that made me laugh while he was on the phone was when I was like “Maaaan I really just want the cash” then dude said “its not for me its for my nephew man; When he said that I was laughing like what your nephew need the latest phone that just came out for talking about hard times !! Either you got it or you don’t if you want it go and get it!! sounds simple right lol I got mines!!!!
#Artificial #Intelligence….its real
Catch up!!!! This video only has around 400 views these machines and the Chinese are taking american jobs thus making your expensive college degree obsolete. Currently in development this robot has artificial intelligence which is learning, observing and responding to humans. I think in the next few years these robots will be replacing customer service jobs. So yall at McDonald’s better look out!!! LOL
#future #technology #geek
Virtual Table Tennis
We’re getting deeper into the future even though you may be looking at this through your friends computer because you don’t have one…lol. This is not a couch friendly game how will the couch potato gamer react to this? The reaction people will get while operating this device will be the same as when using a Bluetooth device. Instead of who the hell are you talking to, it will be who the hell are playing with! LMAO
#games #Nintendo #nerds
Robo-Rainbow #KoolStuff