You must know who you are, where you are, the conditions you are under, the rules that you are supposably following. Most people accept what they are presented without question. I remember clearly my teacher in the 2nd or 3rd grade telling me firmly “QUESTION EVERYTHING!” The real power is in what you KNOW!

@MalaakShabazz MALCOLM X: "Send GUERRILLAS to ‪#Mississippi‬"

1964, Malcolm X talks action! Plans of infultration to fight the KKK and other entities terrorizing black Americans in the Deep South using willing whites. Sankofa simply means take back from your past to use it in the present. To prevent repeating history we must study the oppressor, the oppressed, past and present to bring about a unmovable solution for the problems of man-kind.
#byALLmeansNeccesary #byanymeansneccesary #malcolmx