Queen Khalifia

According to online sources California was named after its last Muurish Empress Queen Khalifia a decedent of the Olmecs, West Africa Manding, and the Kemites (Egyptians). Spanish writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo provides us with a description of Queen Khalifia around 1500 when he wrote  Las sergas de Esplandián (The Adventures of Esplandián).

The pic above is cave art of Queen Khalifia found in California.
eurweb  has a great article about her and the history of blacks in california. Heres a piece of the article below.
“Reigning over the Empire of Xi, in the ancient kingdom of Utla, the nation of AtLan, was the great queen of gold and diamonds, ruler of the California Blacks. Queen Califia, decorated warrior general – mother, was the grand and beautiful royal leader in the beloved, wealthy, and powerful, Land of the Blacks:
A civilization with an abundance of natural resources: gold, diamonds, vast quantities of precious stones and metals, with territory spanning thousands and thousands of miles throughout California. From the coast of San Francisco to Bahia Mexico, as far inland as Colorado, Utah, and all the Pacific Ocean Island Nations including Hawaii, and Australia. Places where most of the original inhabitants were aborigine, black and brown people of color.
Queen Califia was a powerful General Queen, a strategic opponent, who Continue reading “Queen Khalifia”

Those R MY Ancestors!

Hotep! Give thanks n Praises 2 the ancestors! They aint have no 12 disciples, they aint turn water n2 no wine, they aint walk on no water, they aint bring sight to no blind people or hearing to the mute. But they built the strongest economy the world’s ever seen picking cotton. They laid down the railroad tracks that bring you your food and supplies throughout the land. They brought you the technology and luxuries you use today. They brought you the toilets, the sinks and the showers you use to wash yo ass! They cultivated the land you get your food from. They invented the traffic lights you stop at. They brought you the shea butter that’s in every beauty product. They brought law and order the government abuses and misuses. They brought culture to the world when man was savage. They aint die for our sins but they were crucified! “THEY” Thats Plural meaning more than ONE! MANY WERE CRUCIFIED! NO TIME WASTED! NO CARRYING OF NO CROSS AT ALL! CRUCIFIED BY NOOSE ON A TREE BECAUSE OF A ATTEMPT TO BE FREE! They died seeking something they may have never known…physically freedom. They became an example recorded in time of what happens to the righteous rebels seeking that light at the end of the path to dis-encourage the rest of us with freedom on the mind. Now its a new day and many of us are still in bondage mentally and it is the duty of those that have broken those bonds to break the shackles of those that are not. I am my brothers keeper….my mind has been emancipated by my brethren for we all can not do it alone. GIVE THANKS 2 THE ANCESTORS! EMANCIPATE YOURSELF N YOUR PEOPLE WITH KNOWLEDGE! HOW LONG WILL YOU WAIT FOR THEIR FICTICIOUS CHARACTER TO RETURN TO SAVE YOU! WE MUST SAVE EACHOTHER! EACH ONE TEACH ONE!

The Good Ship #Jesus


“The name of the first slave ships to kidnap Black folks from Africa was the Mother Mary and The Good Ship Jesus. The front of The Good Ship Jesus had two Africans bound back to back. The head of all Christian churches, the Pope, said that your ancestors were infidels and it was the white man’s Christian duty to enslave them and teach them about Jesus Christ. Christians built churches over top of the slave dungeons where Africans were shackled. Every Sunday your great, great, great grandparents would hear them singing hymns to Jesus while many of them lay dying on the dungeon floors. If that were you could you imagine your grandchildren singing about Jesus and telling people he died for them when it was actually you who died for them? Columbus killed Continue reading “The Good Ship #Jesus”

Lupercalia's Day History Of Valentines Day

#ValentinesDay what is it all about? Have you even stopped to ask this question or are too concerned about that pussy, that gift, not making her mad, or that special moment from your man. Who came up with this shit because these people have been making a heap of money off of your scheduled assumptions. I never recall anyone ever telling me where Valentines Day came from them nigga’s was just like heres some candy! Every holiday involves candy like were some dogs being trained and candy is the treat! As long as there’s candy involved nobody questions the shit they just accept it.
“From Feb. 13 to 15, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia in honor of Juno. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain.
The Roman romantics “were drunk. They were naked,” says Noel Lenski, a historian at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Young women would actually line up for the men to hit them, Lenski says. They believed this would make them fertile.
The brutal fete included a matchmaking lottery, in which young men drew the names of women from a jar. The couple would then be, um, coupled up for the duration of the festival — or longer, if the match was right.
The ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day.”
Source: NPR NOBeliefs

#HouseNigga #Feildnigga #WiseUp!!!


PUSSY SHIT!! I don’t promote, or condone PUSSY SHIT. Even though Martin Luther King Jr made a positive change he also encouraged being a vaginal opening!! In my opinion you got three different types of Melanin(Blck,niggas,AFro american, Muur, WHatever!) people . You got house niggas, field niggas, and the niggas in between that feel indifferent but their also labeled as field niggas too.

Continue reading “#HouseNigga #Feildnigga #WiseUp!!!”

WIlliam Randolph #Marijuana #Prohibition #AmericanGanster #AmericanGreed


HEARST2William Randolph Hearst, media mogul, billionaire and real-life model for refer madness, His aggressive efforts to demonize cannabis were so effective, they continue to color popular opinion today.In the early 1930’s, Hearst owned a good deal of timber acreage. The threatened advent of mass hemp production proved a considerable threat to his massive paper-mill holdings — he stood to lose many, many millions of dollars to the lowly hemp plant. Hearst cleverly utilized his immense national network of newspapers and magazines to spread wildly inaccurate and sensational stories of the evils of cannabis or “marihuana,” a phrase brought into the common parlance, in part due to frequent mentions in his publications.

The sheer number of newspapers, tabloids, magazines and film reels that Hearst controlled enabled him to quickly and to effectively inundate American media with this propaganda. Hearst preyed on existing prejudices by associating cannabis with Mexican’s and Blacks stating that people were smoking it and blacks and mexicans were raping white women. The American people had already developed irrational hatred for these racial groups, and so readily accepted the ridiculous stories of their crazed crimes incited by marihuana use.

William Randolph Hearst also contributed to The Spanish-American War often referred to as the first “media war.” During the 1890s, journalism that sensationalized, and sometimes even made up—dramatic events was a powerful force that helped lead the United States into war with Spain. Led by newspaper owners William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, journalism of the 1890s used melodrama, romance, and hyperbole to sell millions of newspapers–a style that became known as yellow journalism.

Resources: Pasadena Weekly, Drug War Rant, Joe Rogan, PBS, Reefermadness