@JinBrownSkrr FT ChillzOnDaBeat @KngDotStarz – #LikeWow [Dir. @TkSolcey]
Make sure yo speakers is on point for this one here!! When u play this u gon’ b like WOW
@koshadillz This guy be on that Boulevard Hustlin THough #RESPECT
#Dope VIDEO!!
Southern nigga laid it down on that track PIMPN’ I must say.
Just B #HAPPY :)
@CoupDeLa My Love
U a customer lil nigga? Or U a @TheRealWoopWoop
#Orlando #APK #Fl #florida #LA #NY #bama #South #WEstcoastmusic #Westcoastrap #Atl #WOOPNATION #2WOOPS #Beachum