Continue reading “We in there!! @BESTOFTHEBEST May 25th 2014”
Last day 2 Enter!! @Silverjeansco @Thefader #BattleOfTheBands
#SJCBattleoftheBands #contestla #contest #socialmediacontest #contestgiveaway #competition #giveaway #win
Another….Planet of the Apes!! DRAMA & #MONKEYS
$_$ #SOUTHSIDE $-$
@bperezington Be the One
#ArtBattle #LA
Only Bring Nukes N Tanks For those Opposin'!!!!!!!! @Chox_Mak910
False Evidence Of Reality
@MigosATL Streets On Lock III
I aint been excited to download a mix-tape in a long time!!! I went back home and got my music repertoire up! My people put me up on a lot of the new shit in the south. I’m late but if you haven’t heard em before you gotta check em out. The lyrics aint on the radio its on the mix-tape so you gotta put forth some effort to hear some good music otherwise your going to asume every track sounds like bando or hannah montana. These guys are the real deal and the tape is FUEGO! If you aint from the south this music might be foreign to your ears but if you is from the south YOU ALREADY KNOW!!