Chaos Theory @DivineSunsMusic

tu!#Dopeness #Righteousness!! Consciousness!
Great Album Right here!
This is REAL Hip Hop right CHEA!
Music is a humbling journey.  What starts as a rumbling in your chest or a thought dancing around in your head quickly becomes an all-consuming reality.  It’s not that you want to do it; you absolutely have to do it.  With that love and appreciation for art and music in mind, we present Chaos Theory.
We, the brothers of Divine Suns, invite you to experience the alignment of our respective universes.  Our story dates back to Continue reading “Chaos Theory @DivineSunsMusic”

"Afterburners 4: Retro$pect" @JetpackJones

JetPack Jones! Afterburners 4! This is foreign to my ears and I don’t know much about Jones but this tape is that #FUNK! Production FUEGO! Lyrics, Message, Delivery, REALNESS ON POINT! This is a must listen too!

4th Dimension sounds that will tickle your glands                                  
@ToneOliver @ArtClubb @DonDiestrO @ClydeShankle @JoyPostell @IAMP0PE @BlkRyanGosling @JSNMSK @Mann @brock_berrigan @HandbookYork @TheGeekSquad1 @spacedtimebeats O.Skeeters, Miska 614KG, DKO, Kaligraph E,Loupo @DJSWU @Eustvce

@isthatasha #MasterBait

“Don’t talk about what you about to do shit, DO SHIT!”
Nice tape….Smooth…I really enjoyed it. I saw it on instaface(instagram), the person that posted it as a must listen to. This New Jersey devil has that smooth Karl Malone Delivery dropping the lay-up right on the jazzy track giving listeners a window into her life through her lyrics