To the Womb of Man
To the Womb of Man in these last days you have equal opportunities but still you are oppressed by the man
Constantly abused by the sword of words but your cries are heard dont worry bout men with the brain of birds
Just let em flock and fly away you are much stronger than that my sister the right one will come some day
Yeen gotta open ya legs up to every one that comes your way
Dont be a potato chip Free 2 Lay cuz you just have one *ha ha*
Got damn you have burger king state of mind
Yo fruit is sweet n so is your mind
so why not have sex with minds before thighs collide
b4 you let him go down yo slide tell fooly there’s rules to THIS PLAYGROUND
Best put ya foot down or he gon’ smash n tell the whole town how he made yo do the moaning sound
And after that he is nowhere to be found
See Valentines is just the day out the year
And its up to you to find that soldier thats gon’ give it to u 365 mind body spirit soul and heart
its more than just sex cuz after that whats next or who
my sister my sisters GOT DAMN I miss yall what happened to the love
desensitized you’ve become one of the bra’s but I need your love to balance me
The Womb of the Man are the roots and MAN are the tree
yea u stand under me but you are the basics without you there couldn’t of been me
dont give in ma’ dont give in cuz now yall call yallselves the slander
Slaying yaself cut the foolishness out of ya life n find the love cuz its closer than you think
its right in front of ya eyes but yet u push em away dont want that skinny nigga wit brains
but ask the brawn’s to stay n let em muscle away til he tired yo ass n find another one as easy u
its a ferris wheel you on the same shit a different day another guy dont wanna stay
aint got no time for yo ass bottle emotions in yo glass jar
steady chasing them fancy cars hanging out with dem same broads feeling empty…………
HAPPY #valentines day yall #WAKE THE FUCK UP
This is for all my Queens *@ImCharlieWilson voice* SO FINE
This is for all the girls that pushed me away, used me, mistook my kindness for blindness because I treated yall like queens, gave you my time, my heart, my mind and even my gas! GOT DAMN lol. I apologize and I thank you because dealing with the girls taught me how to spot a real women, a lady, a Queen waiting for her King, a women that knows what she wants…….*SO FINE* @ImCharlieWilson
Fellas you better take heed to what Andre 3000 on the Love Below and find you a Women, theres plenty girls but where are the women at, where the good girls at? Yall complain about Bitches (Female dogs) and Hoes (garden tools) all the time but as soon as you get a little liqour or some weed in your system you reach in you pocket and call that same hold shone…*laughs* When you gon stop contradicting yourself cuz you give what you get ya digg……….*pulls out shovel,hands shovel to the reader through lcd screen* If your a Dog that’s what you gon’ get, IT STARTS WITH YOU